Safety Riding Rules

  • Riders shall obey all the rules of the road.
  • Helmets are required on all rides.
  • Cyclists shall come to a stop at all stop signs and stoplights.
  • Hand and audible signals shall be given for all turns, slowing, and stopping.
  • The leader’s responsibilities include setting the pace and route of the ride. The leader must also make riders aware of turns and roadway dangers.
  • Bright-colored clothing is recommended for safety.
  • Our policy is that no single rider will be left behind unless that rider asks the group to ride on without them. If a rider has difficulty maintaining the group’s pace, a nearby rider should alert the leader. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of each rider to alert someone if they need assistance.
  • It is recommended that bikes be equipped with both front and rear lights, which are mandatory for any night rides.
  • Riders need to leave enough room between themselves and the cyclist in front of them for a sudden stop.
  • Riding single file is mandatory on the busier streets and recommended on ancillary streets.